Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bryce's 2nd birthday

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley and Bryce,

    We are the parents of Li Xin Hao who was adopted along with your little boy, he was the same orphanage. We are the Canadian couple that was with you in this August 2, 2010. We have pictures for you that we would love to send you.

    I found your blog by chance and I'm very happy. I would also have more photos that I found on internet your son and our son group.

    If you are interested, email us at and will send photos.

    Your son is very cute, he seems very happy in his new family.

    I also have a blog but it's private but if you're interested, I could send you an invitation even if it's in French.

    Sorry for my English because it is not my main language.

    Take care

    Linda J.F. and Yohan-Li
